Episode 25 • 18th March 2024 • The Poly (Pod)Cast • Richard Lewis and Siobhan Kenna
Our very first Australian-based guest joins us on the show!
Meg Wilson is the founder and lead therapist of Unison Counselling, a practice that focuses on issues relating to polyamory, non-monogamy, open relationships, and the LGBTQIA+ communities.
We chat to her about how being non-monogamous might impact your nervous system and if maintaining multiple romantic or sexual relationships could increase your risk of repeating destructive relationship patterns. We also delve into increased hyper-individualism in western society and why it’s especially important to build connection in this context.
But first, Siobhan shares a ‘radical’ new thing she’s trying out.
A massive thanks to Meg for starting her day incredibly early to accomodate the 11-hour time difference between London and Melbourne so she could come on the show.
Check out Siobhan’s latest article about non-monogamy and step-parenting.
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